Production: Neologic Studios
Completed: 2014-07-15

Editing, Directorial: Rafael Murgia Jr.
Cameron Bashaw

Cinematography & AC: Spencer Selover
Christian Cavalho, Cameron Bashaw

Makeup & Wardrobe: Emily Windschitl

Sound: Cameron Bashaw
Troy Reed

“Fosters who have been through the Agape Villages program give us a glimpse of what their life was like before and after. Every child deserves a second chance, and Agape Villages can provide that opportunity.”

Neologic Studios provided project management, directorial, B-footage videography, color grading, motion graphics, sound, and music.
Total running time: 4 minutes 16 seconds

Music By: Cameron Bashaw
-Original Score
-Mixing & Mastering


Foster: Paulina
Foster: Jedidiah
Agape Exec: Cheryl Youngblood
Office Asst: Megan Cross
Donation Lady: Laviona Buhk
Lonely Foster: Eric Britton
Basketball guy 1: John Mora
Basketball guy 2: Adam Donelly
Basketball guy 3: Rafael Murguia
Basketball guy 4: Jordi Camps
Basketball guy 5: Jason Johnson
Basketball guy 6: Adam Donelly

Special Thanks: Troy Reed; Picasso’s Deli & Art, Jordi Camps; Crossroads, Rick Lackey, Erin Nickels; Agape Villages, Emily Windshitl, Megan Cross, Cheryl Youngblood